photo from- http://www.flickr.com/photos/ruminating_slav
sitting in bean bag chairs
eating pretend plastic meals
wrapping up in blanket cocoons
choosing breakfast cereals
playing kickball
making sand castles
riding bikes
drawing pictures on the floor (on paper... just lying on the floor.. mostly)
making endless race car tracks
reading stories
bed time hugs
tuck ins
checking for monsters
leaving the doors open juuuuust a little bit
A list of normal things that kids do.
Also a list of things we used to do all the time at my old hospital on the inpatient children's unit.
I think there is a lot of misconception surrounding mental health in almost every aspect, but it certainly just obscures all knowledge of fact when it comes to hospital images. It goes without saying that there is of course, a wide range in the hospital facilities in this country and even starker range around the world. Still, there is need for some clarification here and it is understandable since 'mental hospitals/psychiatric facilities' (I work in one and even I don't know what politically correct term to use now, which says a lot) are so closed off from the public to (I believe) protect the patient's privacy. Of course every patient has a right to privacy in any health related matter, be it cancer or pink eye or bulimia. However, what we may gain in the momentary protection of the patient's rights, I think we also sacrifice in perpetuating stigma and the mysterious dark imagery surrounding these places. If people had a more accurate picture of what treatment centers looked like I think it would be a big help. Unfortunately, the powers that be would disagree and I do understand that the protection of the patient comes first.
So I cry out to the media! To the arts! Those who make a living in showing us aspects of life that we can't otherwise get exposure to, because it is from another culture, another time, another city, or just someone's life whom we will never meet. Now the film industry has created a number of very popular movies surrounding mental health, and some of which I would greatly suggest you watch (I'll keep doing research and come up with a list soon), while others might as well be filed in the horror genre. The psychiatric field is certainly not some pristine branch of medicine where everyone just lies on plush couches and plays racquet ball on the grassy hillside of the hospitals for months at a time and magically wind up cured of depression... though... it seemed to be at one time. On the other hand, there was a time when hammering an icepick through someone's eye socket and scrambling the pre-frontal region of the brain was widely practiced and it might shock you to know that was continuing in the U.S. until about 50 years ago. Just like any other field, it's been through a lot of change, especially in the last century. I won't go into a full lecture, the point being, I think there have been some mixed messages out there about mental health treatment (for good reason given the checkered past) and I'd like someone to clear it up.
Then again, if there was a movie about mental health as it truly is today, it probably wouldn't attract too much of an audience (maybe that's why it hasn't been done). Where it does seem to be mainstreamed is where it's leaking out in the Hollywood culture, in the destructive relationships and drug use and self-harm that has been splashed all over the tabloids. So I would ask you, Hollywood, to try and create a really realistic movie about mental health treatment as it is today, but it seems you're sick yourself! So now I return to my first post, what is this undeniable connection between mental illness and creativity? Maybe I'm totally wrong, it could simply be that because these artists have garnered so much fame and attention, from Van Gogh to Lindsay Lohan, (and I'm sorry for referencing those two in the same sentence) that it merely seems that there is a connection because we KNOW about it in those personal cases that are exposed. What we DON'T know is that our neighbors, and the people in front of us in the grocery store or next to us in the movies are being treated, or have been. We don't know because know one talks about it in the industry itself because of confidentiality, and no one talks about it in their personal lives because of stigma. So don't you see the cycle? We can't talk about it, so no one knows what these illnesses are really like, and we can't show the treatment centers, so no one knows what they really look like, and we can't share the treatment plans etc. etc. etc. so NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING. Since we are curious by nature, we make up ideas of what it must be like, and we buy into the dark imagery because it scares us and makes us excited, so people with these issues sure as hell won't talk about it because they know that we've already made up what it looks like, and that it's not pretty, and they don't want to be looked at like that.
It has seemed to me that children with mental illness face the toughest battle often times, for a multitude of reasons I will surely touch on later. Sometimes it's not pretty at all. Sometimes it is scary and sad but that is why they are getting help and that is beautiful. So I want you to know, that sometimes, and not always, but sometimes, it can look like:
sitting in bean bag chairs
eating pretend plastic meals
wrapping up in blanket cocoons
choosing breakfast cereals
playing kickball
making sand castles
riding bikes
drawing pictures on the floor (on paper... just lying on the floor.. mostly)
making endless race car tracks
reading stories
bed time hugs
tuck ins
checking for monsters
leaving the doors open juuuuust a little bit
I wish I could leave the door open wider so you could see more.
This is beautiful, Ally!