forget to eat dinner
eat dinner at 11:00 at night
eat icecream and call it dinner if it is between the hours of 5-7
eat organic food as much as possible but still smoke cigarettes on occasion
forget where the car is parked no matter how hard I try to remember by making up elaborate stories about the isle letter the car is parked in, like if it is isle C saying "the car is in Camelot," but then I forget what the reminder means and spend more time trying to decode it all over again wondering what the hell Camelot was code for
become irrationally angry over stupid things like:
something not fitting right
losing an earing
burning eggs even when I have a whole dozen left
not being able to find a pen ANYWHERE when I REALLY need one
not having hot water for an unknown reason even if it's only for a 5 minute shower
my camera battery dies when I want to take a picture
ask friends for second opinions over things I already know the answer to, but for some reason need an external voice to convince me I am right
do yoga stretches in random places: waiting in line for a movie, at my desk at work (I have a yoga ball for a chair so it kiiiiind of makes sense), in the kitchen while trying to cook at the same time.. always a dangerous idea
paint my nails but then nick one and take it all off to do it over
forget to drink water and then wondering why I always get headaches... realize it is because I don't drink water... drink 8 glasses of water the next day, pee a million times and then decide I'd rather get a headache... until I do... (repeat cycle)
refuse to touch the hand rails on the T with my palm but still eat things I drop on the floor
stare into my closet for up to 10 minutes trying to figure out what to wear, proclaim I have no clothes, walk around the house naked for another 10 minutes to procrastinate and then throw on the same t-shirt and jeans I always wear and go shopping.... even though, I have WAY too many clothes
assume my boyfriend/mother/friends can read my mind and while sometimes they can, this is not a logical expectation
ALWAYS fall asleep when watching a movie at home and then the next morning wonder why I can't remember the ending and get paranoid I am developing Alzheimer's
become paranoid I am getting Alzheimer's, decide I should do Sudoku to prevent this but remember I hate math too much and accept that this has therefore doomed me to an early mental deterioration
check my phone alarm clock twice before going to bed
then check it at least 2 more times
leave the windows open but always worry about locking the door (this made even less sense when I lived on ground level)
am incapable of doing anything before brushing my teeth but easily go two days without showering
impulsively make large scale life decisions like what college to go to but debate over how to cut my hair for weeks
continue to try to re-pierce my third earing hole that closed up, even though each time it ends in a bloody failure
"sing along" to songs on the radio even when I don't know the words but just make them up and pretend like I do
write sticky notes to remind me of EVERYTHING
photograph my food
clean the bathtub before I take a bath, but then become paranoid that bathing in the chemicals I cleaned the bath with are more harmful, and then debate this every time I go to take a bath to relax... which obviously just stresses me out and even though the clean-up involved in this may be terrible... this looks so pretty I may need to get some confetti and give this a shot (image from Lula mag website)-

haven't eaten red meat since I was 15 but drool over (and purchase) leather boots without a hint of guilt
refuse to chemically dye my hair because it is too permanent but got a tattoo
I'd love to hear what normal crazy things you do! Please share!!
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